LADS Rules

As adopted by A.G.M. on 3rd April 2009

  1. Names of the Society shall be the “Liverpool Agricultural Discussion Society”
  2. Objects – The objects of the Society shall be to hold meetings, Lectures and discussions on subjects connected with agriculture and to arrange visits to places of agricultural interest, and to hold such social functions as may be decided upon by members of the Committee.
  3. Membership – Membership of the Society shall be open to men actively engaged in agriculture and its associated activities, and men, who in the opinion of the Committee, would be an asset to the Society.
    New members should be proposed by a member of the Committee, seconded and approved by all members of the Committee. The proposer should inform the new member that jackets and ties should be worn at all meetings.
  1. Subscriptions – The Subscriptions to the Society shall be as agreed at each Annual General Meeting and due on the date of the Annual General Meeting in each year, in advance or one month after election in the case of new members.
    Members whose subscriptions are in arrears for more than a year shall have their names erased from the list of members, as shall any member whose conduct is considered by the Committee to be prejudicial to the best interests of the Society.
  1. Bank – A bank account shall be kept at such Bank as the Committee may decide and cheques shall be signed on behalf of the Society by any two of the following – viz. Chairman, Vice Chairman, secretary, Treasurer. Any of the above may endorse cheques and pay in monies on behalf of the Society.
  2. Officers – The Officers of the Society shall consist of a Chairman, Vice Chairman, Immediate Past Chairman, Hon. Secretary and Hon. Treasurer.
  3. Management – The business of the Society shall be managed by a Committee consisting of the Officers, and not more than nine other members who are actively engaged in agriculture, one third of whom shall retire annually and shall be eligible for re-election. Members shall retire from the Committee when they have served a maximum of 13 years if they are not in the position of Chairman or Vice Chairman and can re-apply after one year off the Committee.
  4. Casual Vacancies – Any vacancies which may occur during the year amongst the Officers and Committee may be filled by the remaining Officers and Committee electing members to the vacant position.
  5. Sub-Committees – The Officers and Committee shall have power to appoint any Sub-Committee from the members of the Society as may be deemed necessary for furthering the objects of the Society. Any such Sub-Committee, however shall be under the supreme control of the Officers and Committee, to whom any such Sub-Committee shall account for all funds coming into its hands. The Officers shall be ex-officio members of all Sub-Committees.
  6. Meetings – The Meetings of the Society shall normally take place during the first week of each month from October to April inclusive. When for special reasons the meeting cannot be held during the first week of the month, the Committee will advise the members. The meeting will take place on such day and at such time and place as the Committee may decide. The April meeting shall be the Annual General Meeting. Extra-Ordinary General meetings may be called as required by the Officers and Committee or on the written demand of 15 or more members of the Society.
    The Officers and Committee and Auditor for the ensuing year shall be elected at the Annual meeting, and retiring members shall be eligible for re-election. At least 7 days notice of all meetings shall be given to the Secretary in writing to each member. The Officers and Committee shall meet when necessary at a time and place mutually agreed upon.
  1. Quorum – Half of the elected Committee (Excluding ex-officio members) shall constitute a Quorum of any Meeting of the Officers and Committee and 15 members of any Meetings of the Members.
  2. Minutes -Minutes of all Business Meetings, both Committee and General, shall be kept and read at the following Meeting, and, on approval, shall be signed by the Chairman as correctly recorded.
  3. Accounts – A statement of accounts shall be prepared by the Treasurer and duly audited as at the 14th February each year, and shall be signed by the Chairman, Hon. Treasurer and Hon. Auditor and submitted to the Annual General Meeting for approval.
  4. Honorary Members – The Committee shall have the power to confer Honourary Membership upon Gentlemen, who in their opinion, deserve the honour, and who would be assets to the Society.
  5. Presidents & Vice Presidents – The General meeting shall have a power to elect a President and any number of Vice-Presidents or to delegate this power to the Committee should they so desire.
  6. Cessation of Membership – Members whose subscriptions are in arrears for more than a year shall have their names erased from the list of members, as shall any member whose conduct is considered by the Committee to be prejudicial to the best interests of the Society.
  7. Ballot – At any General Meeting of Members a vote shall be taken by ballot if demanded by any 15 members entitled to vote.
  8. Alteration of Rules – Proposed alteration of rules must be received by the Secretary at least 14 days before the Annual General Meeting. The Secretary will then give notice of the proposal in writing to all members at least 7 days before the Annual General Meeting. The proposal shall be carried if passed by a majority of two thirds of the members present and entitled to vote. Members whose subscriptions are unpaid are not entitled to vote.
  9. Nomination for Officers – All nominations for Officers and members of the Committee shall be sent in writing to the Secretary at least 7 days before the date of the Annual General Meeting.